LAX DAY 2025

Lacrosse Day is April 5!

We will feature food (BMore Greem Food Truck and Kona Ice selling food and treats) and fun from 10-2 that day along with spirit wear sales (cash or check only), vendors (USA Lacrosse, Universal Lacrosse) and fastest shot competition with prizes, etc.

Here are some important notes about Lacrosse Day-- with some links to items on Amazon to prepare for the cold for Lax Day and next week!

  • -  If it is cold- Make sure your daughter/son are dressed for the weather Saturday and beyond.  HANDS - Boys and girls
    should have gloves on (boys gloves under their Lax gloves).  HEAD - Girls should have a warm hat on.  Boys should
    have something under their helmet to keep their ears and neck warm.  BODY - dress in several layers.  LEGS - no shorts!!!
    Leggings (boys or girls) or heavy sweatpants.  FEET- wear some heavy socks.  And a few handwarmers are great to have
    on hand!
  • -  Please remember- no spectators on the Turf during practices.
  • -  Please drive slowly through the neighborhood.  Do not park on the street.
  • -  Please utilize upper parking lot (near Tennis Courts and upper Grass Field) and lower parking Lot (by the Turf)
  • -  If you are interested in volunteering your time at Lax Day- please sign up HERE.

Thank you to our Lax Day Sponsors!







Lutherville Timonium Lacrosse

For more Information or if you
have any questions email us at: