Coaches Bag Training 2025


Ages 5-14 Coaches Boys and Girls

Coaches Bag Training is a 75 minute in-house training class that all coaches need to complete in order to get their Coaches Bag.  All Head and Assistant Coaches ages 5-14, must complete the class and sign the Coaches Code of Conduct, pass Balto County Background Check PRIOR TO START OF SEASON to get their Coaches Bag AND Coaches Badge.

The course highlights important logistics, safety, league information, rules and coaching resources available including the Lutherville Lacrosse Coaches Curriculum and Skills Matrix.

Coach Bag Training will be split into Boys and Girls, New and Experienced Coach.

It is ok to attend a session for new coaches if you are an experienced coach.  We need to make sure that all coaches are on the same page to make sure we have consistency across our coaching ranks and create a positive and rewarding experience for our players and families.  This is what makes our program so successful!

We will offer on-field coaching session for returning coaches to work through an actual practice plan and discuss ways to progress drills.  This will be an optional session in addition to required Coach Bag Training.


Coach Bag Training 2025
Saturday March 1 Session Location
9-10:15 Boys New Coaches Lutherville Volunteer Fire Dept Training Center
10:15-11:30 Boys Returning Coaches or >2 years experience coaching Lutherville Volunteer Fire Dept Training Center
1:30-2:45 Girls New Coaches Lutherville Volunteer Fire Dept Training Center
2:45-4 Girls  Returning Coaches >2 years experience coaching Lutherville Volunteer Fire Dept Training Center
Sunday March 2 Session Location
1:30-2:45 Girls New Coaches Lutherville Volunteer Fire Dept Training Center
2:45-4 Girls  Returning Coaches >2 years experience coaching Lutherville Volunteer Fire Dept Training Center
4:30-5:45 Boys New Coaches Lutherville Volunteer Fire Dept Training Center
5:45-7 Boys Returning Coaches or >2 years experience coaching Lutherville Volunteer Fire Dept Training Center
Tuesday March 4 Session Location
6-7:15 Boys New Coaches Ridgely Middle
7:15-8:30 Boys Returning Coaches or >2 years experience coaching Ridgely Middle
Wednesday March 5 Session Location
6-7:15 Girls New Coaches Ridgely Middle Gym
7:15-8:30 Girls  Returning Coaches >2 years experience coaching Ridgely Middle Gym

Fire House-  Please park in the lot in the front of the firehouse and walk around back to the training center.

Ridgely Middle School (RMS)- Park in side lot near tennis courts.  Enter door closest to Charmuth Rd and Classroom is on right.



On-Field Coaches Training (Boys and Girls)

On-Field Coach Training is intended to have coaches walk through a practice plan and actually participate in the drills learning and sharing how to progress drills and run effective practices.  While open to everyone, this is intended for younger age groups.

Boys Coaches  Saturday March 8th  9AM-10:15AM

Girls Coaches Sunday March 9th 10AM-11:15AM


Ages 3-4 Coaches Boys and Girls

The 3-4 Coaches Bag Training is a 45 minute in-house training class that all 3-4 coaches need to complete.  The course highlights important safety, logistics and curriculum information, with a focus on ages 3-4 and coaching resources available.



Date                    Time                     Location

March 18             TBD                      Virtual



Lutherville Timonium Lacrosse

For more Information or if you
have any questions email us at: