- Age Groups
Lutherville Lacrosse is a member of the Maryland Youth Lacrosse Association (MYLA) and their guidelines for age groups are determined based on the player’s age as of 8/31 of the current school year (ex: 2024-2025 School Year age as of 8/31/2024). Therefore, birthdate pre-empts grade.
Player divisions are as follows:
Boys and Girls 3-4 Program (Pre-K)
3-4 DOB 9/1/19 - 8/31/21
Pockets (K and 1st)
5-6 DOB 9/1/17 - 8/31/19
Tyker (2nd and 3rd)
7-8 DOB 9/1/15 - 8/31/17
Lightning (4th and 5th)
9-10 DOB 9/1/13 - 8/31/15
Middies (6th and 7th)
11-12 DOB 9/1/11 - 8/31/13
Juniors (8th and 9th)- Waitlist Only Until A Team Can Be Formed!
13-14 DOB 9/1/09 - 8/31/11
* As part of Lutherville Lacrosse's efforts to improve the experience and ensure safety for all of our players, our organization has an age-verification requirement for all players registered in our 3/4 division and 5/6 division. Once received families will not be required to provide this information for the duration the player is involved in our program. New players to the program will not be officially registered until proof of age is received. NO refund for cancelation due to non-compliance.
Below is the best estimate of practice and game schedules based on anticipated field allocation from Baltimore County. (Subject to change due to field availability and/or organizational need)
All players must provide their own equipment. Boys 5-6 and older must have a helmet with chin strap, mouth guard, shoulder pads, arm pads, gloves and a boy’s stick. Please note new requirement for Boys Shoulder Pads for Jan 1, 2022 - click here. For the 3-4 Soft Stick program, only a standard sized stick is required-no fiddle sticks allowed. If you are new to lacrosse or want additional information on lacrosse equipment from USA Lacrosse, click here.
Lutherville Lacrosse will provide all uniforms for Boys and Girls.
Evaluations traditionally begin in February and can continue through early March. Outdoor fields will be used, so it is weather dependent.
MYLA Divisions
Travel teams generally play in the Maryland Youth Lacrosse Association league that is comprised of teams in Baltimore and Hartford Counties. MYLA teams are classified as:
Advanced - experienced players, highest level of competition
Rec - some experienced players, mid-level of competition
Development - new or emerging players, focus on learning the sport, positions, and gameplay
MYLA League Rule
Lutherville Lacrosse plays in the MYLA. The MYLA has a rule that each player can only register and tryout for one MYLA Program. If Lutherville Lacrosse becomes aware that a player has registered for multiple Programs, the player will not be allowed to play for Lutherville and no refund will be given.
The donation for each age group is as follows:
3-4 - Boys and Girls Soft Stick Program - $75/player
5-6 - Boys and Girls In-house - $155/player
7-8* - Boys and Girls In-house - $175/player
9-10, 11-12 & 13-14 Boys and Girls - $185
All donations cover field usage, uniforms, coach and player development, league and referee fees, administration, balls, goals, etc.
*There will be an additional fee for 7-8 Travel Program due to uniform upgrade, tournaments and additional opportunities. Estimated cost will be an additional $100-$175 per player.
Sibling Discounts
$25 off sibling(s) registration*
* Sibling Discount is only available and applied automatically at the time of registration when two or more siblings register under the same account. Discount is removed if only one sibling attends drops/cancels registration.
Refunds requested before Feb. 1 will be honored and refunded in full minus any administrative fees paid by Lutherville Lacrosse.
Cancelations requested after our cutoff date will NOT be honored with the exception of extenuating medical circumstances.
If the season is canceled there is a non-refundable amount of $25 per player to cover pre-paid administrative fees.
Program Improvements
Lutherville Lacrosse partners with USA Lacrosse. This relationship illustrates our commitment to prioritizing the safety and the development of each player at every skill level. Through their support and resources, we have established our Coaches Development Program which aims at providing coaches training in effort to establish uniformity in the way lacrosse is taught within our organization.
Please contact the following individuals if you have any questions about a specific Age Group or eligibility:
Boys Commissioner:
Jason Rommel,